7 Lucky Marketing Tips for Friday the 13th

Posted on April 13, 2018 by Kevin Richards

Cover for 7 Lucky Marketing Tips for Friday the 13th

Friday the 13th is here yet again which means all of the triskaidekaphobiacs are on red alert. If you’ve had an aversion to embracing or even promoting this holiday because of this phobia then you are missing out! We’re here to show you there’s a completely different way to handle this traditionally unlucky day and tell you how to turn it into a positive marketing experience. We’ve put together a list of 7 super lucky marketing tips for Friday the 13th that we’re sure will bring even the most scardiest of cats to your site.

  1. Embrace Friday the 13th
    Instead of pretending you don’t know it exists or trying to roll out a different promotion, embrace it! Send out your promotion loud & proud on all of your social media platforms. Your followers are more likely to focus on the discount itself as opposed to the theme. Use Friday the 13th to catch their eye and get them to notice your brand.
  2. Turn Unlucky into Lucky 
    Friday the 13th has always been associated with bad luck and all of the things that go with it (especially a certain less than friendly character who shall remain nameless.) Use your promotion to flip that mindset around and send out more of a “lucky” message. For example you could say something along the lines of “We Only Believe In Good Luck Today. Get Free Shipping Sitewide!” instead of the traditionally negative connotations of the day.
  3. Offer A Discount Featuring the Number 13
    This one is so simple it’s basically effortless. Make your promotion feature the number 13 - “13% Off”, “$13 Off” or even “13 Best-Selling Products On Sale Today!”, something along those lines.
  4. Do a One Day Promotion
    In line with the above tips, draw some urgency along with some positivity to your promotion! Let your customers know that today is the one and only day to take advantage of whatever offer you decide to send out and send it out everywhere! Most likely social & email campaigns will bring the most traffic but having a custom banner promoting the sale on your homepage is never a bad idea.
  5. Keep Your Message Positive
    The internet is going to be chock-full of posts playing on the “bad luck” theme of the day so why not make your brand stand out and go the opposite way? Use any of the tips listed above as a marketing idea and get your followers excited about Friday the 13th!
  6. Lead Up to Friday the 13th
    In addition to doing a special one day sale, you could also build up excitement for the arrival of Friday the 13th by posting about it days, even weeks, prior. Get your followers pumped up by announcing that you’ll be releasing a special offer on Friday the 13th and then make it a huge deal once the day arrives.
  7. Make Sure Your Promotion is Mobile-Friendly
    There’s nothing more unlucky than losing a sale because a user has an unpleasant mobile experience, and that happens on regular non-Friday the 13th days! Never forget to test everything on mobile because more than ever people are making purchases on their phone. “According to last year’s Black Friday statistics...more than $1.2 billion in revenue was generated in a single day through purchases made on mobile devices”.¹

That's it! That's about all you need to know about marketing in a positive way on the unluckiest day of the year. Happy posting!

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